2009 has come and gone...almost. And though I believe that "New Year's Resolutions" are most often total bullshit, I do think there is at least a morsel of validity in the fact that January 1st can resemble a "clean slate" for many of us. Every year around this time, I try to reflect upon the last 12 months...not because I am trying to better myself...but because I like to pretend that doing so will help to solidify, in my mind, all of the lessons (however small) that I learned the hard way. Because I refuse to do things the easy way. Today, I share those lessons with you:
1. Don't get a spray tan immediately after shaving your legs. It will seep into your open leg-hair pores and you will look like you have a skin condition.
2. Trust your instincts. If you get the feeling that someone is lying to you, they probably are. Even if they're super hot and trying their best to sound sincere.
3. Don't make out with your friends' ex boyfriends. It's not good for anyone.
4. Don't wear heeled cowboy boots when it's icy out. You might break your foot (was that '09? Regardless, I am keeping that one at the front of my mind...)
5. It's almost always best to laugh things off when they are your fault...no matter the personal loss you may suffer...also, when someone is mad the next morning that you yelled "fuuuuck! yooou!" in their face after a few too many drinks, "um, sorry i party" via text message may not be enough to smooth things over. Actually, it might make them worse.
6. Don't ever EVER pick at your face when you have a zit, no matter how satisfying it may seem at the time.
7. You have to ask for what you want. Nobody but Edward can read your mind.
8. Even if you don't think you're good enough, there's no harm in going for it. Because sometimes, it turns out that you are good enough, and that more energy was spent worrying about it than it took to achieve your goal. Either that, or you're just really good at faking it.
9. Wearing eyeliner on the bottom is a day-long commitment. I looks good when it's fresh, but if you forget to periodically re-apply, you can end up looking all cracky and strung-out. This one is important.
10. Wash your hands A LOT during swine-flu season or you'll probably get it.
So...take it or leave it. And please, if you have discovered any little nuggets of wisdom over the past year, please tell me. And I will try to listen. Happy New Year!
55 minutes ago