Wednesday, December 31

Random Fact: We Eat a Lot of Ramen. On Purpose.

Yep, here at 911 Pennsylvania, we LOOOOVE Ramen! Why, you ask? Well, per tradition, I will relieve your curiosity...with a list:

1. It's cheap. Like, really cheap. DUH!

2. It's versatile. Here are a few of the many ways we like to prepare it:
a) like the instructions say.
b) with soy sauce and sugar (works well with beef/chicken flavors).
c) with marinara and crushed red pepper (just chicken).
d) with soy sauce and peanut butter (oh yeah, that's a new discovery.)
e) add vegetables. enjoy.
f) drunkenly.

3. It tastes good! Woah, when you're in the mood for something salty, and incredibly easy to make, Ramen is the way to go.

4. It's an international treat. And we are classy, cultured people.

I could go on and on, but let's face it, it's New Years Eve. Time to party.


*talk to you next year

Tuesday, December 30

Monday, December 29

the top ten top ten lists of 2008 of 2008

La la la!!!  It's that time of year; 2008 is coming to a close, and bloggers everywhere are getting giant, explosive hard-ons.  Why?  Because they (we?) can now make official sounding "top ten (fill-in-the-blank)s of 2008" lists and (thank you innernets) reminisce about the year before it's even over!!  It seems these days you can't even step outside your homepage without running into one of these lists, and I realize it can all get a little overwhelming.  Which is why I've compiled my Top Ten Top Ten Lists of 2008, so you can relive the year in no time at all:

Because everyone loves judging people.  While I don't condone making fun of people who wear feathers, I did enjoy laughing at Holly Madison's cupcake attire (and her shiny, shiny shoulders) and Alex McCord's horrifying attempt at eco-friendly clothing.  But is it wrong to covet Paula Abdul's sparkle pants??

This list should have been made up entirely of clips from The Tyra Banks Show, as far as I'm concerned.  Also, I wanna be Diane Keaton when I grow up.

Warning:  This will make you lose faith in humanity.  Search queries "Britney Spears" and "WWE" beat out "Barack Obama."  Then again, who searches with Yahoo! anymore?

Penned by Casey.  By his own admission, an apathetic list (if that's a thing), but one that makes me smile nonetheless.  Mostly because of the Lil Wayne shout out, and Casey's apparant self-hatred for loving that album.

Huffington Post assembled this list by doing some crazy calculation of number of views, newsworthiness, and hilarity.  I hope they measured hilarity by knee slaps per minute or something equally as awesome. Whatever the method, YouTube makes my life complete, and so does this list. 

Keeping with the YouTube theme.  I watched that man flip into his Levi's many, many times.  Ahh, the memories.

This year the major networks got really busy reporting about celebrity vagina sightings and didn't quite have time to fit in stories like these.   I do my fair share of nerding out/NPR listening and I still find this list pretty terrifying.  

I'm sorry, I had to.  In memory of M&M, who would have enjoyed these immensely. 


Because I eat, sleep and live awkward.  It's a lifestyle. My favorite top 10 list because somehow watching these awkward moments helps me feel a leeetle bit better about my own.  

Hope everyone has a safe and happy new year


Tuesday, December 23

Random Fact: Where Do We Wear Slippers? Everywhere.

While the title is pretty self-explanatory, I must tell you that we literally do wear slippers EVERYWHERE. The grocery store, school, the name the place, we'll name a time we've worn slippers there. If this doesn't sound like that big of a deal, or even worth writing about, I assure you, it is not. However, I feel as though this blog needs a weekly "column"...and the subject matter of this column is random facts about us. So there you have it, random fact #1: we wear slippers everywhere.


Sunday, December 21

is it just me, or should frank loesser be jailed?

Soooo I've recently realized the seemingly innocent Christmas carol "Baby, It's Cold Outside" is really just a how-to guide for date rape. It's like an extremely disturbing SVU episode, 1940s style. It was written by Frank Loesser, who was probably more deserving of an arrest warrant than the Tony he received. Guys, pull these moves out next time you bring a girl home from the bars, straight from Mr. Loesser, the ultimate bro:

1. Start by saying "I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice" or "mind if I move in closer?" Both great opening lines. Or my personal favorite, "man, you're lips look delicious," which is featured not once but twice throughout the song. Classic.

2. When the lucky girl says things like "I really can't stay" or "I got to go away," respond with excuses such as "no cabs to be had out there" or tell her that she'll "catch pneunomia and die." Yes, tell her that she'll die if she tries to leave. Perfect.

3. So then she might start saying things like "my mother will start to worry" or "my father will be pacing the floor," you know, letting you know that people will notice when she's missing, but you just keep talking about how it's really in her best interest to stop trying to leave.

4. And the number one rule: when she starts questioning "say, what's in this drink?" you just keep talking about the weather until she slowly drifts off...

AND SCORE! Now really, she finally agrees to stay at the end of the song ( "well…..I really shouldn't...alright") but it's still the creepiest exchange I've ever heard. Although a Foundry bartender probably hears it multiple times a night.

I don't know if you're feeling as bah-humbugy as me this season, but may I recommend some of Erran Baron Cohen's lovely Hanukkah Carols to wash away those Christmas blues. And nooo, it's not because I've recently developed crushes on random jewish men, it's because it's really good, okay?

Saturday, December 13

i know i'm supposed to be studying for finals but...

Some things just have to take priority. For example, I find it necessary to blog about the fact that olympic swimmer Dara Torres looks exactly like Spencer from "The Hills"

I told you!!! And look! They both love America!

update: they also participate in physical activity in/around water. I do not know why Spencer is jumping rope like a school girl. But I do know that their abs look eerily similar...

Also, they both have girl parts. Could Dara Torres be filling the four long, boring years between each Olympiad by trolling around Hollywood acting like a total douchebag? Is it possible that the existence of Spencer Pratt just one giant, Mrs. Doubtfire-esque practical joke Ms. Torres has conjured up for her own amusement? Discuss.

Sunday, December 7

we have a tree!


Friday, December 5

i can feel the sting in my mammaries...

In case any of you were wondering what life is like around these parts with Lauren gone (she's in Rhode Island partying it up 80's style this weekend), take a look at this video. We love women.

videogum roools.

Vic and Jan

Monday, December 1

we finally got it!!!

Turns out there's this little website where videos are sometimes posted. Weird. Here it is, the link straight from the man himself, for everyone's enjoyment:

Nice work, Scott! 1 down, just 7 to go. Let's everyone pull together to make sure all of our
christmas dreams come true.


::edit link gone, as is our recent esteem for scott::