Sunday, December 27
Another Year, Another Lesson: What Have We Learned?
1. Don't get a spray tan immediately after shaving your legs. It will seep into your open leg-hair pores and you will look like you have a skin condition.
2. Trust your instincts. If you get the feeling that someone is lying to you, they probably are. Even if they're super hot and trying their best to sound sincere.
3. Don't make out with your friends' ex boyfriends. It's not good for anyone.
4. Don't wear heeled cowboy boots when it's icy out. You might break your foot (was that '09? Regardless, I am keeping that one at the front of my mind...)
5. It's almost always best to laugh things off when they are your matter the personal loss you may suffer...also, when someone is mad the next morning that you yelled "fuuuuck! yooou!" in their face after a few too many drinks, "um, sorry i party" via text message may not be enough to smooth things over. Actually, it might make them worse.
6. Don't ever EVER pick at your face when you have a zit, no matter how satisfying it may seem at the time.
7. You have to ask for what you want. Nobody but Edward can read your mind.
8. Even if you don't think you're good enough, there's no harm in going for it. Because sometimes, it turns out that you are good enough, and that more energy was spent worrying about it than it took to achieve your goal. Either that, or you're just really good at faking it.
9. Wearing eyeliner on the bottom is a day-long commitment. I looks good when it's fresh, but if you forget to periodically re-apply, you can end up looking all cracky and strung-out. This one is important.
10. Wash your hands A LOT during swine-flu season or you'll probably get it.
So...take it or leave it. And please, if you have discovered any little nuggets of wisdom over the past year, please tell me. And I will try to listen. Happy New Year!
Tuesday, October 6
Things I've Learned From Your Facebook Status
- You dislike Kanye West.
- Your significant other is the most wonderful man/woman in the entire world.
- You miss your significant other when he/she is out of town.
- You've had a long work week.
- You have strong feelings about Cutler.
- You work out, and it tires you/makes you sore/makes you feel AWESOME.
- You have the most amazing friends!!!
- Your kid occasionally does/says cute things.
- You have an essay due tomorrow.
- You struggle with the proper use of contractions.
- You are excited about your upcoming vacation.
- The current season and your thoughts/feelings about said season.
- You're very self-involved.
Monday, July 6
I Seriously Do Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me
Thursday, June 11
Douche by Location
Frau Douche (Germany)
Chilly Douche (Antarctica)
Bagga-Douche (Italy)
Douche, eh? (Canada)
Herr Douche (Germany)
Le Douche (France)
Das Douche (Germany)
United States
Douche and Tunnel (New Jersey)
Rocky Douche (Colorado)
Spud Douche (Idaho)
Syrupy Douche (Vermont)
Douche, Brah (Vail)
Geriatric Douche (Florida)
Hoos Douche (Indiana)
Gnarly Douche (California)
Eco-Douche (Boulder)
Douche, yo (911 Penn)
The Legend of Douche Bagger Vance
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Douche
Harry Potter and the Half Douche Prince
Dr.Douche, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bag
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Douche
There Will be Douche
V for Vdouchbag
Tuesday, June 9
I've got it all together

The nerve, gmail, the absolute nerve.
Burgled!!! : An Open Letter to The Person Who Stole the Hammock From Our Front Yard
You fucking suck. That didn't even belong to us. It was our friend Chris's. I hope you get gonorrhea and die, because that's what happens to people with no manners.
Warmest Regards,
Friday, May 1
10 things I hate about flu
Thursday, April 16
Wednesday, April 15
Found: Another Hat!!

Tuesday, April 14
Lincoln, You Skeeez

Sunday, April 12
this is how i get people to like me... was my first non-training shift as a cocktail waitress at the Outback Saloon in Boulder. Any of you that have been there know that there is a large variety of clientelle, most of whom are regulars. To spare you the boring details (and also because my memory is a bit sketchy), I am only recapping the highlights...
-One of the bartenders buys me a tequila shot, takes one with me. Ten minutes later, I re-introduce myself to said bartender as though we had never met. The re-introduction went like this: ME: (presenting my hand to be shaken) "Hi, my name is Victoria. You must be *****". HIM: "Uh...yeah...we already 10 minutes ago. And then I poured us a shot of tequila and we took it. Together."
This is a little trick I use to make people think that I'm stupid, only to confuse them later by saying something witty. Although "later" must mean "on another day", because it definitely didn't happen last night.
-Apparently, it's a rule that everyone has to sing karaoke on their first night. After accepting EVERY free shot of rumplemints thrown at me by various customers and staff members, I give in to the threats of my boss and get ready to sing. Not too bad...the mistake came when I let them pick my song. They choose "I Touch Myself".
-After singing the song (provocatively...tipsily) I realize that I dug myself a hole. I was greeted by admirers. Apparently, if I was a pop star, my fan-base would be fat, bald biker dudes and lipstick lesbians. This would be understandable if the Outback were a strictly fat bald biker dude/lipstick lesbian bar, but it's not. One of the girls followed me around LITERALLY the rest of the night. After everyone was kicked out at closing, she trailed me from the other side of the fence while I was sweeping the patio. She was persistent. I look forward to seeing her every single time that I work.
-And finally, I ask my boss to call me a cab because I am too inebriated to drive myself home.
Yeah, so that was my first night. I figure that by acting like a total invalid in the beginning, anytime I actually do some work, everyone will be super impressed. But in my defense, weak as it may be, most of the drinking I did was initiated by my co-workers...namely, my boss. Oh, and I woke up with a bunch of cash in my wallet, so I must have done something productive...ish. In conclusion, I expect that next Saturday night, you will be there to share a similar experience with me and a bunch of other drunk people.
Sunday, April 5
found: hat!!

Wednesday, April 1
Monday, March 30
Now Boarding Zone You're Screwed
The other day I was cleaning at work when I discovered some particularly stubborn substance cemented to a tabletop. Without thinking, I started working at it with my fingernail, with some pathetically proud “Ha! I’ve got you now!” thoughts running through my mind. After a few seconds of this, I removed myself (mentally) from the situation, and it slowly dawned on me that I had no idea what the hell this hardened goop was nor did I have any clue how long it had been there. Gross.
I am currently blogging from Hartfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, where Kayla and I are waiting for our connecting flight to Denver, which is delayed due to snowstorm of doom. After leaving Land of Sunshine, Warmth, and Everything Nice this morning, it is safe to say that I am not looking forward to stepping out of DIA into eight inches of snow in my (slightly tanned!) flip-flop clad feet.
I know everyone has their own air travel horror stories, and there’s only so much one wants to hear about how sucky airports can be, but I feel the need to tell our tale:
Kayla and I decided we were kicking off our spring break right when we ordered screwdrivers at an airport bar Monday morning before our flight. We were in good spirits, elated by how ridiculously smooth things can go when you don’t have to check any bags. Needless to say, we had time to kill, which we did by throwing back a few cocktails before our flight. We were not drunk, but did find ourselves awkwardly tipsy for it being 10 AM and all. So we’re sitting at our gate, giving ourselves big pats on the back for being so balla, and they start boarding. “Zone one,” drones the evil gate-guarder, as they do, and at this point we decide to check our tickets in order to adequately prepare ourselves for our own boarding order fate. I did a double, no, triple-take at my boarding pass. Zone 99, it read. ZONE 99. In my liquored up state, I peered around to the passengers around me, who were calmly packing their books, magazines, computers into their carry-ons. At mothers folding up their strollers, leisurely making their way to the gate. And I thought, “whaaaat..?” Slowly, they move through them- Two…. Three…. Four…. the minutes between each “zone” seemed like hours, days . Ninety-nine, I thought to myself, NINETY-NINE. And before we knew it, we were the only ones sitting on those all-attached-to-each-other, blue chairs. Which, of course, is when we gathered the sense to board the plane, zones be damned!! The subject came up while we were chatting with a flight attendant later: “Were you stand-by??” she asks, her perfectly penciled brow furrowed in confusion. Nope, not stand-by. Yes, checked in at a pathetically early time. Yes, our tickets read “Zone 99”
Normally I wouldn’t give a flying frickity what order we board. I always get so annoyed by those people that stand not-technically-in-line but right by it, so that they can jump in as soon as humanly possible. I never understood what the big rush was to go from sitting to… sitting. In an incredibly claustrophobic space. But Zone 99 taught me about overhead bins. See, it seems they get all full of other people’s stuff. When we finally board, the flight attendant sees Kayla with her bag and literally lunges for it. “We’re going to have to check this!!!” she barks. I always thought that flight attendants were trained to remain calm in almost any situation, but this crazy defined the term “high-strung.” When Kayla is panicked, when she is thrown into any stressful situation, her usual reaction is fight. And I mean FIGHT. While my stupid “flight” personality would have probably said “oh ummm okay, maam,” Kayla jerked her bag back towards her, you know, kung-fu grip. Okay at this point I’m going to stop telling this story, because it was basically that scene from “Meet the Parents,” just played out right in front of me. I saw in my mind the headlines, “College students kicked off AirTran flight.” The law suit. The counter-law suit. The “how was your spring break?” “ohhh… well, we never actually made it… see…” explanations.
But despite my worries I soon found myself on my way to beautiful Florida, slight hangover headache and light sensitivity all before noon. We rock.
The moral of this story was going to be “Don’t Fly AirTran,” but I’m pretty sure it’s just “Don’t Fly.” Which shouldn’t be a problem because I’m just going to date a vampire and then he’ll just carry me wherever I want to go really quickly. Suck it, Zone 99.
Our trip was beautiful; I successfully finished three novels pool side, burning pretty much every surface of my body in the process. But it’s totally fine because now I’m a big peeling ball of freckles. Sexy. But seriously, doing absolutely nothing but lounging in the sunshine is my type of vacay.
There were a few incidents throughout the week of people thinking we were much younger than we actually were, accompanied by some all around, general smarminess (holy balls that word is actually in the spell check dictionary):
Incident #1:
Shop Owner (orange, 50 year old man): Hello, how are you today?
Kay&Jan: Great, how are you?
Shop Owner: Well, I would be a lot better if I were a teenage girl like you.
Kay&Jan: (stunned silence)
Shop Owner: If I were a teenage girl I’d be spending my day on the beach, though, not at the shops.
Kay&Jan: (horrified, stunned silence)
Shop Owner: And I would be a lot better if I were rich like you.
Kay&Jan: (confused, stunned silence- when I relayed this story to my Aunt later, she asked, “were you wearing any blinged-out giant diamonds that you were somehow unaware of?” I checked. We weren’t.)
I should have walked out right then and there, but I saw this really cute bracelet I absolutely needed, and it was only 3 dollars. God, I’m so frickin rich.
Incident #2:
Edward: Hello, thank you for calling Comcast, this is Edward speaking, how can I help you?
Me: Hi, um, we’re trying to order a movie On Demand, and it’s not working.
Edward: Okay, can I get a phone number to identify the account?
Me: Yeah, umm, hold on… Sorry I’m just at my aunt’s house so I don’t know the number… (As I’m walking to the other room to ask my aunt)
Edward: Ohhhh… you’re at your aunt’s house. That’s probably why. Your parents probably set it up so you couldn’t watch a movie because it’s past your bedtime.
Me: Ummm…. What??
Edward: Heh heh, you know they can do that, they probably didn’t trust your aunt to do a good job watching you.
Me: (stunned silence, per usual. Mostly caused by mentally calculating how far off his guess-timation of my age is seeing that he thinks I require a babysitter)
My Aunt (reading my face): Do you need me to talk to him??
Me (in my head): Christ, I am a child.
Me (to Edward): blah blah phone number account information
Edward: Okay, just hang on a second.
TLC: Don’t go chasing waterfalls… (On hold)
Edward: Okay, Jayyyy-na (at some point I told him my name), I just talked to your parents and they said it was okay for you to watch it. Heh heh heh.
Me: Errrr okay, thanks.
I hate when people “tease” you when all you want them to do is their job. No, I don’t want jokingly pretend your company’s software glitch was somehow orchestrated by my parents. That’s retarded. Not to mention absolutely impossible. And I'm 21 years old.
Comcast should start outsourcing.
Monday, March 16
Kiss Me, I Live at 911 Penn
Friday, March 13
"nice!" (or "casey is the opposite of nice")
Okay. Pretty confident Ryan's birthday got the celebration it deserved. I was going to preface this with a back story, but I kind of think it's funner (yes, funner) reading it cold. I woke up this morning, turned on my computer, and was greeted by this beautfiul casey/kayla facebook conversation:
Tuesday, March 10
the pure awesomeness that is my life
"Next time, don't come through my line if you have this much food" - Cashier at Safeway
Thursday, February 26
Anonymous email forward composers: WTF?!?
I receive an email every few days from my Grandpa informing me of a new thing to be afraid of: flyers on your back windshield, pay at the pump credit card scams, yada yada, blah blah. Today I got a "how to not be raped" email, which I found extremely offensive, for reasons I will explain, but also extremely familiar. So I did a quick search (thanks, gmail!) and found that I have been sent this email no less than 5 times in the past few weeks. FIVE TIMES. Maybe I woke up on the wrong side of the mini-bed (or the wrong side of the month) but EVERYONE STOP SENDING ME THIS MOTHERFRICKING EMAIL:
Through a Rapist's Eyes (No Joke)
So the way this works is- the original context of the email, shoddy writing and all, gunna be in regular and any snarky comments I have gunna be in italics (in case you couldn't figure it out). I love that the subject of this email has to literally specify "no joke." Except it is a joke (of an email).
When this was sent to me, I was told to forward it to my lady friends, but I forwarded it to most everyone in my address book. My men friends have female friends and this Information is too important to miss someone. Please pass it along and share it with your children. A group of rapists and date rapists in prison were interviewed on what they look for in a potential victim and here are some interesting facts:
I'm going to start referring to my male friends as my "men friends"
1) The first thing men look for in a potential victim is hairstyle. They are most likely to go after a woman with a ponytail, bun, braid or other hairstyle that can easily be grabbed . They are also likely to go after a woman with long hair . Women with short hair are not common targets.
Those long-haired girls are so asking for it!! Except, wait, rape victims are all shapes, sizes, (hairstyles) ages, etc. Nice try you stupid email.
2) The second thing men look for is clothing. They will look for women who's clothing is easy to remove quickly. Many of them carry scissors around specifically to cut clothing.
Shirt & pants over a onesie followed by another onesie followed by a second shirtpants combo. Then overalls. I'm just in shock that more women don't take this preventative measure when truckin to the bars. But seriously, rape is not always about getting sex quickly, and to think it is is pretty naive.
3) They also look for women on their cell phone,searching through their purse, or doing other activities while walking because they are off-guard and can be easily overpowered.
4) Men are most likely to attack & rape in the early morning, between 5: 00a.m. and 8 :30a.m.
God forbid you take that 8am. The Department of Justice gives us the vague "2/3 of all sexual assaults happen between the hours of 6 pm and 6 am" Nighttime (who knew?)
5) The number one place women are abducted from/attacked is grocery store parking lots. The number two: office parking lots/garages. Number three: public restrooms.
Don't get groceries, don't go to the office, don't go pee. I understand that being more aware of your surroundings when you're in a parking garage or whatever is a valid point, and the one I think they are trying to make. (Any badly lit, less frequented place is actually the most common place for an attack.)
6) The thing about these men is that they arelooking to grab a woman and quickly move her to another location where they don't have to worry about getting caught.
7) Only 2% said they carried weapons because rape carries a 3-5 year sentence but rape with a weapon is 15-20 years.
I love how throwing out a random statistics somehow makes it valid. Department of Justice says it's about 30%, so take that, email.
8) If you put up any kind of a fight at all, they get discouraged because it only takes a minute or two for them to realize that going after you i sn't worth it because it will be time-consuming.
Barbara Mikkelson, a writer for says, "That's great advice, provided you get the right rapist. And you've no way of knowing until it's too late."
9) These men said they would not pick on women who have umbrellas, or other similar objects thatcan be used from a distance, in their hands.
Rihanna had an umbrella (ella ella); things didn't seem to work out so good for her.
(too soon for Rihanna jokes? probably too soon)
10) Several defense mechanisms he taught us are: If someone is following behind you on a street or in a garage or with you in an elevator or stairwell, look them in the face and ask them a question , likewhat time is it?, or make general small talk: 'I can't believe it is so cold out here,' 'We're in for a bad winter.' Now you've seen their face and could identify them in a line-up; you lose appeal as a target.
11) If someone is coming toward you, hold out your hands in front of you and yell STOP! or STAY BACK! Most of the rapists this man talked to said they'd leave a woman alone if she yelled or showed that she would not be afraid to fight back. Again, they are looking for an EASY target.
12) If you carry pepper spray (this instructor was a huge advocate of it and carries it with him wherever he goes), yell I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY and holding it out will be a deterrent.
Instructor? What instructor? Ohhhh, do you mean the instructor from the other version of this email that claims all these "tips" are from a (i kid you not) black belt in karate who trains with Steven Segal?? Wait, does this mean no rapists were actually interviewed? I'm shocked. FAIL, major chain junk email FAIL.
The email goes on, mostly about those self defense moves you've heard before (go for the groin!) and mentions this "instructor" man roughly a bajillion times. I know it's important to be aware, and being prepared definitely gives you an advantage. I guess my major problem is that, even if the email held any truth, it sets up victims of rape for an incredible amount of self-blame. If you do get attacked, it's because your hair was too long or your clothes looked like they could just come right off you. And if you do get raped, it's because you didn't fight hard enough ("gosh, didn't you know he didn't have a weapon?? only like 2% of them do" or "didn't you know to use your elbow??") Bottom line is that you could be frickin Rapunzel trolling around a grocery store parking lot at at 7 in the morning wearing tear away pants, and you should still be considered a completely innocent and undeserving victim of an unspeakable crime.
Stop sending me this email.