Sunday, April 5

found: hat!!

New game!!  We're going to start posting pictures of alllll the crap that people leave at our house. Fun! So then the way it works is, you can comment or email me or just show up at ol' 911 and claim it.  

"But Jana, then anyone can just claim things that aren't theirs!"  Well I already thought of that.  I started off thinking we could rely on the good ol' honor system, but lets face it- all of our friends are lying, coniving, thieving assholes.  SO in order to claim your crap, you're going to be required to answer the "Is it yours??" question correctly-, something only the true owner of the object will be able to do.  And if you can answer it, you can have it.  Get it?

If you don't want your crap molested and made fun of, don't leave it at our house.

Mmmkay so without further ado:

Found: Hat

Volcom.  I got really confused because, to my knowledge, there have been no angst-ridden, awkwardly rebellious, "antiestablisment", middle school boys here recently.  But then I remembered that a lot of my friends dress like 12 year old boys.  Zing!!

And the big security question: 
In what stupid Asian country was your stupid hat made??

1 comment:

R.J.B. said...

Um yes that would be my hat. I know it is mine because I am the only cool enough person that can wear a brown volcom hat at this age. Your question is bull shit because it is too hard. I am pretty sure it was made in Taiwan though. If that is wrong and you will not return my item I will just have to start a game called "steal your friend's shit and not give it back to them until they return your shit." Catchy I know.