Saturday, January 3

email from grandma

Hi Jana
  I finally got on the email. Hope we can keep in tough. Am Just Getting the hang of it, so bear with me. want to hear about you and your life . Grandpa and I are fine. Getting used to the place. Please let us know how your life is .  love Gram R.

Recieved this gem from Gram R a few weeks ago.  My brother and I were giggling at this today when his girlfriend, Allie, recommended we check out, a website devoted to mom/grandma correspondence of all sorts.  I haven't stopped laughing. I like this one (because it's what my mom would say):

Backstory: I sent my mom a thank-you for being neither Lynne Spears nor Dina Lohan.

I’m glad you are neither of those poor girls.  Showing their cooters.  Shameful!

Love, Mom


911 Penn: The Chronicles said...

hahahaha! cooter.

Jon said...

Hi Jana,
I Finally got on the Blog. Am Just Getting the hang of it, so bare with me. i want to "Know" About your LIFE. hangin tough. love, Jon
PS. the cat likes the liquid from the Progresso soup, so you can eat the noodles and give him the rest