Marco Polo: Something about those Italians. Not only does he have the explorer thing going for him, he also got totally fricking rich from his explorations, AND he was imprisoned for a while. The rebel part of me would love to bring an ex-con home to Mom & Dad. Please note the sexy facial hair.

Juan Ponce de Leon: I'm willing to look past pointy chin hair if you discovered Flordia. Plus he has a sweet feather in his cap. He spent his life searching for the fountain of youth; like a 15th century Dr. Ray, errr something. Little did he know he could fountain in my youth any day.

Ferdinand Magellan: First to circumnavigate the world. Nuf said. I'd like him to circumnavigate me. Or should I say cirCUMnavigate me. heh.

Francisco Pizarro: Bearded, armored, all around bad-ass. He totally owned the Incans, which is not very nice, but all that conquering apparantly does a body good.
"Incans! I kill you with my abs!"

Zebulon Pike: My fav. Check out his wikipage. The indians (feather) thought he was soooo fly- my man Black Hawk said he was a "good man" and a "great brave." But also he was drunk at the time, so who knows how he felt about him in the morning. I kid!
Notice Christopher Columbus did not make the list. This was not a mistake. He's GROSS.
Also: Marry, Screw or Kill GO.



Jana, you're such a whore...
marry clark, screw sacajawea, kill lewis...
or something.
you are crazy jana. crazy awesome.
also, you're last bit is a trap. i either have to marry or screw one of lewis and clark. (ok i'd probably marry lewis)
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