Wednesday, January 14

WTF, city of Denver?

I recently made a trip to DIA to get a Lauren-face and discovered the demon horse statue of death on Pena.  I don't know how I have managed several trips to the airport in the past year without noticing it, other than the fact that I am usually using all my brainpower to not confuse departures and arrivals (you're departing from the airport in your car- that totally makes sense.)  But this trip I was aided by Kayla, which allowed me to fully concentrate on the absolute terror of the horse.  I have seen some pretty pointless publicly funded art projects, but most of them are harmless in that they do not give me horrific nightmares.  This statue is SO scary.  What a better way to welcome visitors from all over the world then with a giant horse that says "I KILL YOU" with it's eyes?  It's downright embarrassing.  Not to mention the fact that art exists to be admired, and the only way to see it is from an exceptionally busy road with cars rushing to an international airport. 

I was already creeped out by death bronco when MJ informed me that the statue fell on the artist, Luis Jiminez, while he was creating it, killing him.  The fact that it murdered it's creator proves that it is demonic and TOTALLY F-ED UP.  It's totally going to come alive one night and buck shit up in the city of Denver and kill us all. FAIL, city of Denver, MAJOR HORSE FAIL.




Jon said...

gahhh this is the thing that HAUNTS MY DREAMS

Anonymous said...

fail is right.